Become a Sponsor!
The following companies are the proud sponsors of Peachtree Corners Photography Club. They have made contributions to club activities. In return, please support them and mention that you saw them advertised on the Club website and during meeting. If you wish to become a sponsor, please email info@pcphotoclub.org for more information and apply in the button at the bottom of the page.
Thank you to all our Sponsors!
Gary Beck
Tracey Rice
Marcia Brandes
Steve Fix
George Kaffezakis
David Schilling
Mark Siruill
Jeffrey Wynia
Any individual who donates cash above the $35 annual dues and below $300 is a Donor.
Any individual who donates cash equal or above $300 over the dues is a Benefactor.
Interested in becoming a Sponsor?
Sponsorship Levels

Peachtree Corners Photography Club, Inc was founded in 2017 and became a public, not-for-profit, (501(c)(3) corporation in December of 2021. The Club has grown to 95 paid members with growth in membership continuing every month.
Benefits accrue to any sponsor beginning in the 2024 calendar month when payment and an information sheet is received on or before the 15th calendar day.
For Gold and Platinum Sponsors, the introductions will occur within the first five minutes of the monthly meetings and technical webinars.
Affiliation with Tytan Pictures
An affiliation with Tytan Pictures (Jim and Roxy Stone), Emmy Award winning producers, directors, and photographers. They love to teach photography, and they provide hands-on practical instruction on a variety of photography and video topics with your photo gear and theirs, live models, make-up artists, and unique access to places for outings. For more information, check out their company website: https://tytanpictures.com/.