Our March Monthly Meeting will be on March 14, 2024 at 6:45 pm!
The monthly club meeting is a free event for anyone who shares a passion for photography, from the total beginner with your phone to a professional with multiple gear sets. Please join us in-person or online and invite anyone who may be interested in exploring and learning about photography!
We meet at Atlanta Tech Park at 107 Technology Parkway, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092. You are welcome to arrive at 6:15 pm for fellowship and social time to meet new and current members.
Join Zoom Meeting on March 14, 2024 at 6:45 pm!
Meeting ID: 880 2064 9737
Passcode: 874732
Our March Speaker is Joshua Wilson and the topic will be “Forensic Photography”!
Come and learn how photography is used to visually document crime scenes so that investigators are able to interpret what did or did not happen. The work of forensic photographers is used to associate or link suspects to scenes, victims to scenes, and suspects to victims.
The photographers must use extreme care and all their technical skills to produce photos that are a neutral and accurate representation of the crime scene.
What Joshua will talk about:
Joshua is going to discuss the process of documenting crime scenes, and the importance of quality photography in that work. He is going to show us a variety of images taken from crime scenes and discuss their importance when related to working on solving the crime, giving an example of how one set of photos helped to stop a spree killer before he could become a serial killer.
About Joshua Wilson:
Joshua Wilson works for Warren Bond Photography as a forensic photographer and videographer. He specializes in crime scene and forensic documentation, working with police departments, attorneys, insurance companies and private clients to provide expert services including accident and crime scene documentation and accident reconstructions. He also forensically analyzes videos for local and state agencies as well as law firms and insurance companies.
Joshua attended Harding University in Arkansas in Criminal Justice and Police Science, and he also received his certification in Peace Officers Standard and Training (POST) from the South Georgia Police Academy. Joshua earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Photographic Imaging from The Arts Institute of Atlanta. Being classically trained, he utilizes a host of Adobe products in his work, including Lightroom, Photoshop and Premier Pro. He is also a Part 107 certified drone operator, and uses this in the production of videos and photographs for commercial clients.